The Lifestyle

In the initial chapters of my career saga, I was a bit of a digital nomad, hopping from one client to the next, crafting, securing, and sprucing up a diverse array of systems and workflows. Trust me when I say, the thrill of the variety ensured that boredom was a concept as foreign to me as a glitch-free software release.

As time marched on, though, life’s other scripts—family, obligations, and a dwindling patience for certain legislative quirks in the UK—prompted a pivot from the freewheeling contractor lifestyle to a more anchored existence in a permanent position. Yet, the nomadic phase left its fingerprints all over my professional DNA—the way I think, interact, and present myself in the security sphere. These imprints, or let’s call them the “Tradecraft of a Contractor,” are the pearls of wisdom I’m eager to pass along to you today.

Embarking on this narrative as part of a series aimed at guiding souls into the realm of Security, this piece ventures beyond the hard skills toolbox. Instead, it focuses on the soft, yet critical, skills of how you carve your niche in the role. Contractors are the unsung heroes in the tech tapestry, and mastering the art of how you weave yourself into this fabric will shape your success narrative for years to come.

As a Security Engineering Contractor, navigating the labyrinth of evolving security technologies while juggling client engagements, taxes, and personal well-being can feel like trying to disarm a complex security system with a Swiss Army knife. But fear not! Let’s dive into the essential tradecraft that will not only help you stay at the forefront of your field but also manage your professional life with the finesse of a seasoned pro.

Keeping Up with Evolving Security Technologies

The world of security technology moves faster than a hacker on a caffeine binge. Staying up-to-date is crucial, but how?

  • Continuous Learning: Dedicate time each week to read industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in online forums. Think of it as your weekly dose of digital vitamins.
  • Certifications and Training: Invest in your education. Certifications like CISSP, OSCP, or the GIAC series not only look good on your resume but also keep your skills sharp.
  • Networking: And no, not the TCP/IP kind. Attend conferences, workshops, and meet-ups. Exchange ideas with peers; they’re your best resource for trends and tools.
  • Hone Your Craft Relentlessly: Not everyone hits the ground running with flawless skills (and if you’re the exception, hats off to you!). Mastery doesn’t come pre-installed; it’s a product of diligent, purposeful practice. Set yourself a goal—maybe it’s adapting a piece of code from Python to Go, diving deep into the mechanics of its operation, or setting up a SIEM system to stage and fend off mock cyber assaults. The digital world’s own guru of vim and coding sagacity, ThePrimeagen, champions a mantra for improvement that’s as straightforward as it is effective. Dubbed T.I.T.S, or “Time in the Saddle,” it’s a reminder that proficiency is a direct function of how much you engage with your craft. The more you immerse yourself in the work, the more adept you’ll become.

Scoping Engagements with Clients

Scoping is the art of defining boundaries—like deciding how many layers of security are needed for the metaphorical onion. Here’s how to not end up crying in the process:

  • Understand the Client’s Needs: Start with a thorough discussion about their security concerns and objectives. It’s like detective work without the trench coat.
  • Set Clear Deliverables: Be explicit about what you’re offering. Will you be conducting penetration testing, a security audit, or setting up their entire security infrastructure?
  • Be Realistic: Overpromising is the fast track to underdelivering. Ensure the scope is achievable within the given timeline and budget.

Defining the scope isn’t just about outlining the work to be done; it’s your roadmap for pricing your services wisely. Different tasks require different expertise, and naturally, each should carry its own price tag. If you’re locked into a contract with a set scope, your rate should mirror the blend of skills you plan to deploy. On the flip side, in the more fluid world of freelance gigs, where you can itemize your time and “Materials” (a.k.a. the skills you bring to the table), there’s an opportunity to detail out what you’re charging for. This approach not only ensures fair compensation for your efforts but also highlights the value you’re delivering to your clients, creating a win-win scenario.

Understand your pipeline

Navigating your professional journey as a contractor requires a keen understanding of your work’s lifecycle, from the initial concept to securing contracts, and finally, to billing. This journey, often referred to as your “pipeline,” is the backbone of your success. In the formative stages, it’s common for recruiters, agencies, or talent acquisition teams to be your main source of opportunities, shepherding you through negotiations for your services.

  • Streamline Your Introduction: The recruitment world’s “sift” refers to the early phase where potential candidates are filtered. To stand out, ensure your CV/Resume, portfolio, and online profiles are primed for discovery. Highlight your most relevant skills and achievements, and cut out any unnecessary fluff that doesn’t serve your professional narrative.
  • Curate Your Contacts: The realm of recruitment is vast, but not every recruiter is the right fit for your unique skill set. Focus on building relationships with those who understand your niche and have the connections to match you with ideal opportunities. It’s okay to politely decline unsolicited offers in favor of reaching out to contacts you trust and who understand your career goals.
  • Update Your Professional Footprint: As one project wraps up and you gear up for the next, keeping your professional documents and online presence fresh is crucial. The most effective network won’t do you much good if your “sales pitch” doesn’t reflect your latest accomplishments or skills. Adhering to the golden rule—if you’re on the lookout for new opportunities, ensure your professional branding is ready to impress at a moment’s notice.

Refining these tactics fortifies your career pathway, smoothing the path from one project to the next and amplifying your chances of triumph in the freelance realm. As you evolve within the contracting landscape, your reliance on recruiters might wane, pivoting instead towards direct business-to-business (B2B) deals or leveraging platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Cultivating a robust network becomes your safety net, providing a reliable base from which you can explore new avenues with confidence. This network not only sustains you but also empowers you to embrace the adventurous side of securing gigs through varied channels, ensuring that your freelance journey is both dynamic and successful.

Best Practices for Tax Planning and Budgeting

Taxes and budgeting are as thrilling as watching paint dry, but they’re essential to not getting painted into a corner financially.

  • Track Your Expenses: Use apps or software to keep a meticulous record of your expenses. Remember, many costs are tax-deductible, including tools, subscriptions, and even your home office.
  • Consult a Tax Professional: They can offer personalized advice and help you navigate the cryptic runes known as tax laws.
  • Budget for Taxes: Set aside a portion of each payment for taxes. Consider it untouchable, like that last piece of cake at a birthday party.

In the UK, navigating the murky waters of IR35 laws is a critical aspect of life as a contractor or freelancer. Your status—whether inside or outside this challenging tax regulation—can significantly influence your earnings and tax obligations. It’s essential to maintain close communication with your tax advisor or accountant. Ensuring you have a clear understanding of your standing and how these tax rules impact you is paramount. This vigilance helps you navigate the complexities of tax legislation, safeguarding your financial health.

Managing Income Effectively

In the unpredictable rollercoaster ride that is contracting, mastering the art of income management is akin to ensuring your pantry is well-stocked before a winter storm. The nature of this profession swings dramatically between times of abundance and periods of scarcity, making it crucial to navigate these cycles with strategic foresight. It’s about more than just surviving the lean periods; it’s about thriving through them and emerging even stronger.

Always be on the lookout for new horizons that can broaden your clientele, enhance the spectrum of services you offer, or contribute to your personal and professional growth. Think of your skillset as your personal brand’s most valuable asset—your very own golden goose. The more refined and in-demand your abilities, the greater your capacity to command top dollar for your services.

But how do you elevate your skills to this coveted high-value status? Continuous learning and adaptation are the keys. Dive into emerging technologies, methodologies, and best practices within your field. Attend workshops, earn certifications, and engage with online communities. Each new skill acquired or honed is like adding a more lustrous feather to your cap, making you an increasingly attractive option to prospective clients.

Moreover, diversifying your portfolio can shield you against market volatility. Consider branching into related areas where your existing skills can be applied in new, profitable ways. This could mean venturing into Enterprise Security if you’re a network specialist or exploring data protection if you’re in software development.

Financial literacy is key to success regardless of the industry you are in, some additional considerations to keep top of mind to help in managing that income effectively.

  • Emergency Fund: Aim to save at least six months’ worth of living expenses. It’s your financial safety net.
  • Diversify Your Income: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Consider teaching, consulting, or even developing security tools as alternative income streams.
  • Invest Wisely: Whether it’s stocks, bonds, or real estate, investing can help your money grow and provide an additional cushion.

Be mindful, in the feast-or-famine world of contracting, your skills are the lifeline that can turn potential droughts into bountiful harvests. Investing in yourself is the most lucrative investment you can make, paving the way for a resilient, flourishing career amidst the ebbs and flows of the contracting landscape.

Building a Strong Professional Network

Think of your network as your personal squadron, ready to defend against the unpredictability of the freelance frontier. The timeless wisdom of “It’s not what you know, but who you know” rings especially true in the realms of contracting and freelancing. Opportunities often arrive not through standard avenues but via a connection to a connection. A robust network doesn’t just serve as a bridge to new ventures; it also positions you at the forefront of industry trends and insights, making you not just visible but valuable in the marketplace.

  • Be Generous: Offer help without expecting anything in return. Share your knowledge and skills; it’ll come back to you in spades.
  • Stay in Touch: Regularly reach out to your contacts. A simple “Hello, how are you?” can keep the relationship warm.
  • Leverage Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn can be powerful tools for connecting with peers and showcasing your expertise.

Balancing Workload and Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Mastering the art of balance in the high-stakes arena of security work is akin to walking a tightrope—it’s challenging but imperative for long-term success. Your personal reserves—be it energy, focus, or skill—are seemingly boundless when viewed through the lens of eternity but prove to be precious commodities in the daily grind. Picture yourself as a bodybuilder, where the rhythm of rest and recuperation dances in step with the rigor of training. Embrace downtime, indulge in leisure reading, or partake in activities outside the realm of work. Echoing the mantra of the fitness influencer realm, don’t shy away from a “deload” phase. It’s not necessarily about jetting off on a vacation; active recovery works wonders too, provided it eases the strain on your mental muscles.

  • Learn to Say No: Acknowledge your limits. Overcommitting is a fast track to burnout, dimming your brilliance quicker than a power outage.
  • Set Boundaries: Carve out your professional time with the precision of a sculptor. Your off-hours are a sanctum, inviolable and pure.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Cultivate happiness and health through exercise, meditation, and hobbies. Being content and healthy is the gateway to productivity.

Steer clear of the antiquated “Work hard, Play hard” mantra, which usually means driving yourself to exhaustion and then compensating with high-octane unwinding. This mindset is a risky gamble, putting your physical and mental health on the line. Aim for a more sustainable rhythm, where your hard work is counterbalanced by restorative and meaningful downtime. Ambition is commendable, but the way you recharge should be intentional, balanced, and in harmony with your goals. Cultivate practices that replenish your energy and spirit, ensuring your path to success is both healthy and fulfilling.

Remember, mastering the tradecraft of a Security Contractor is an ongoing process. It’s about embracing the journey, continuously learning, and adjusting your strategies as the landscape evolves. With these guidelines, you’re not just setting up firewalls and securing data; you’re also building a sustainable, fulfilling career. So, gear up, stay curious, and welcome to the exciting world of security!


As we’ve navigated the nuances of security contracting in this guide, you might have observed a universal thread weaving through the narrative. Beyond the specifics of cybersecurity and digital fortification, the insights offered here are universally applicable to contractors and freelancers across the entire tech spectrum—and indeed, any sector. The foundational pillars of personal growth, strategic foresight, self-nurturance, and equilibrium hold true regardless of your professional domain.

This alignment between the unique facets of security contracting and the broader freelancing landscape underscores a deeper truth: at the heart of our endeavors, regardless of industry, lies the human element. Our strategies for advancement, balance, and wellness transcend the boundaries of specific fields, resonating with a wider audience of professionals charting their course in the evolving workplace.

So, I encourage you to spread the word, sharing the wisdom contained in this guide far and wide. As the landscape of work undergoes its relentless transformation, the exchange of our collective tradecraft insights will play a pivotal role in shaping a future where change is not just anticipated but navigated with grace and expertise. The dialogue we foster today lays the groundwork for a tomorrow where the ethos of work, whether thats contracting, freelancing or permanent not only adapts but thrives, heralding a new era of professional excellence and personal fulfillment.